WASP-HS Graduate School learn about social robots at LUCS

Published 28 August 2022
Professor Christian Balkenius med sina sociala robotar.
Photo: Ingemar D Kristiansen (for SDS)

WASP-HS Graduate School, under the supervision of Prof. Christian Balkenius, gather at LUCS and Lund University to gain more insight on social robots.

Understanding how artificial intelligence affects society requires an interdisciplinary understanding where different disciplines can help each other to see the opportunities and challenges from different perspectives. This is the aim of the research school run by WASP-HS. During the past week, 55 PhD students from over ten Swedish universities have come together to gain more insight into the practical opportunities and constraints that exist with social robots.

Read more:
Okunniga robotar inspirerade doktorander i Lund (SDS, August 28, 2022) 
Understanding AI With the Help of Social Robots (WASP-HS, August 29, 2022) 

WASP-HS stands for the The Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program – Humanities and Society.
The vision of WASP-HS is to realize excellent research and develop competence on the opportunities and challenges of artificial intelligence and autonomous systems with a strong investment on research in humanities and social science.
Link to: WASP-HS