WIRED blurbs about Choice Blindness in piece about magic in science

By 8 - Published 24 February 2016

"Perhaps the most eye-opening use of magic in research was Lund University's Thomas Strandberg, who created a self-transforming survey to study choice blindness and attitudes." The first Science of Magic conference took place at Goldsmith's University, London, on the 19th of February - melding various disciplines and practices using magic to study the mind. Thomas was there presenting his research and representing the Choice Blindness Lab. WIRED magazine was also there to write about the event, here you can read the full story: http://www.wired.co.uk/news/archive/2016-02/23/science-of-magichttps://www.lucs.lu.se/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/WIRED1.png