Peter Gärdenfors

|  1970–1989  |  1990–1999  |  2000–2009  |  2010–2019  |  2020–present  |

Bibliography: 1970 – 1989

  • 1989f (together with Bengt Sigurd) "Artificiell intelligens" (Artificial intelligence), Nationalencyklopedin, vol. 1.
  • 1989e "Tanken - ord, bild eller vad?" (Thought - word, picture, or what?), Tvärsnitt 1989:1, pp. 33-42.
  • 1989d "La dinamica dei sistemi normativi", pp. 283-291 in Systemi esperti nel dritto, ed. by A.A. Martino, Cedem, Padova (Italian translation of 1989a.)
  • 1989c (together with Philip Pettit) "The impossibility of a Paretian loyalist", Theory and Decision 27, pp. 207-216.
  • 1989b "Is there anything we should not want to know", pp. 63-78 in Proceedings of the 8th International Congress of Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science VIII, ed. by J. E. Fenstad, I. T. Frolov, and R. Hilpinen, North-Holland, Amsterdam.
  • 1989a "The dynamics of normative systems", pp. 293-299 in Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress on Logica, Informatica, Dritto, ed. by A. A. Martino, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Florence 1989. Also published as pp. 195-200 in Expert Systems in Law, ed. by A.A. Martino, Elsevier, 1992.
  • 1988m (together with N.-E. Sahlin) Editor of Decision, Probability and Utility: Selected Readings, Cambridge University Press.
  • 1988l "Die Epistemologie von Erklärungen: Zur Dynamik und Pragmatik epistemischer Zustände", pp. 91-123 in Erklären und Verstehen in der Wissenschaft, ed. by G. Schurz, Oldenbourg, München. (Revision and German translation of 1980d.)
  • 1988k "Kognitionsforskning" (Cognitive science), HSFR-nytt 1988:3. Also published in Lunds Universitet meddelar, 1988, and in Sophia 19, No 2 1989, pp. 5-6.
  • 1988j Review of the Swedish translation of Sen, A.K.: Collective Choice and Social Welfare, Svenska Dagbladet, April 11, 1988.
  • 1988i Review of Churchland, P. S.: Neurophilosophy, Sydsvenska Dagbladet, April 11, 1988.
  • 1988h "Det konstgjorda förnuftet" (Artificial reason), pp. 57-62 in Datalär 87, Dokumentation Del 1, Stockholm.
  • 1988g Chinese translation of "Induction, conceptual spaces, and AI" (1990a), "Cognitive Science", 4:1, pp. 15-22.
  • 1988f Review of Jackson, F.: Conditionals, Theoria 54, pp. 68-72.
  • 1988e (together with David Makinson) "Revision of knowledge systems using epistemic entrenchment", pp. 83-95 in Proceedings of the Second Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Reasoning About Knowledge, ed, by M. Vardi, Morgan Kaufmann, Palo Alto, CA.
  • 1988d Knowledge in Flux: Modeling the Dynamics of Epistemic States, Bradford Books, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.
  • 1988c (together with Nils-Eric Sahlin) "Bayesian decision theory, foundation and problems", pp. 1-15 in Decision, Probability and Utility, ed. by P. Gärdenfors and N.-E. Sahlin, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • 1988b "Semantics, conceptual spaces and the dimensions of music", pp. 9-27 in Essays on the Philosophy of Music, ed. by V. Rantala and E. Tarasti, Acta Philosophica Fennica 43.
  • 1988a "Causation and the dynamics of belief", pp. 85-104 in Causation in Decision, Belief Change, and Statistics, II, ed. by W. L. Harper and B. Skyrms, Kluwer, Dordrecht.
  • 1987e Editor of Generalized Quantifiers: Linguistic and Logical Approaches, Reidel, Dordrecht.
  • 1987d "Filosofisk kognitionsforskning" (Philosophical cognitive science), pp. 24-35 in Språk, kommunikation och teknologi. Swedisch Council for Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences (HSFR), Swedish Science Press, Uppsala.
  • 1987c "Om vad expertsystem inte kan" (What expert systems can\'t do), pp. 41-52 in Automation - på vems villkor?, ed. by B. Karlsson and P. Sederblad, PU 87:149, Lund University, Lund.
  • 1987b Review of Levi, I.: Decisions and Revisions, Journal of Philosophy 84, pp. 747-752.
  • 1987a "Variations on the Ramsey test: More triviality results", Studia Logica 46, pp. 321-327.
  • 1986d "The logic of scientific testing", lecture notes, Department of Philosophy, Auckland University.
  • 1986c "Filosofins roll i datasamhället" (The role of philosophy in computer society), pp. 27-37 in Kultur och humaniora i datasamhället, ed. by M. Bäck, Liber, Stockholm, 1986. A summary of this paper is published as "Människa, maskin och medvetande: Filosofins roll i datasamhället" (Man, machine, and mind: The role of philosophy in computer society), Sophia, no 4, 1984, pp. 3-4.
  • 1986b "Belief revisions and the Ramsey test for conditionals", Philosophical Review 95, pp. 81-93.
  • 1986a "The dynamics of belief: Contractions and revisions of probability functions", Topoi 5, pp. 29-37.
  • 1985g "Scientist arrested", letter to Nature, vol. 316, no. 6025, p. 184.
  • 1985f "Epistemic importance and the logic of theory change", pp. 345-367 in Foundations of Logic and Linguistics: Problems and their Solutions, ed. by P. Weingarter and G. Dorn, Plenum, New York.
  • 1985e "The dynamics of belief, conditional sentences and explanations", pp. 107-116 in Foregrounding Background, ed. by J. Allwood and E. Hjelmqvist, Doxa, Lund.
  • 1985d "The nature of man - games that genes play?", pp. 9-24 in Action, Logic and Social Theory, ed. by G. Holmström and A. Jones, Acta Philosophica Fennica 38. Swedish translation published in Blotta tanken (1992h).
  • 1985c (together with Carlos E. Alchourrón and David Makinson) "On the logic of theory change: Partial meet contraction and revision functions", Journal of Symbolic Logic 50, pp. 510-530.
  • 1985b "Propositional logic based on the dynamics of belief", Journal of Symbolic Logic 50, pp. 390-394.
  • 1985a Review of Castaneda, H.-N.: Thinking and Doing, Journal of Symbolic logic 50, pp. 248-250.
  • 1984d "Evolutionsteorin och den moderna vetenskapsteorin" (Theory of evolution and modern philosophy of science), pp. 73-86 in Att förstå världen, ed. by S. Welin, Doxa, Lund.
  • 1984c Review of Matti Sintonen: The Pragmatics of Scientific Explanation, Theoria 50, pp. 57-63.
  • 1984b "Epistemic importance and minimal changes of belief", Australasian Journal of Philosophy 62, pp. 136-157.
  • 1984a "The dynamics of belief as basis for logic", The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 35, pp. 1-10.
  • 1983g (together with B. Hansson and N.-E. Sahlin) Editor of Evidentiary Value: Philosophical, Judicial and Psychological Aspects of a Theory, Liber, Lund.
  • 1983f "Demokratins gränser - några resultat i teorin för sociala beslut" (The limits of democracy - some results in the theory of social choice), written for Analysens gränser, ed. by P. Molander (The book was never published).
  • 1983e "Medvetandet - finns det?" (Consciousness - does it exist?), Tvärsnitt 1983:3, pp. 18-22.
  • 1983d Review of Rosing, H.: Medvetandets filosofi (Philosophy of mind), Filosofisk Tidskrift 4, pp. 43-46.
  • 1983c "Probabilistic reasoning and evidentiary value", pp. 44-57 in Evidentiary Value: Philosophical, Judicial and Psychological Aspects of a Theory, ed. by P. Gärdenfors, B. Hansson and N.-E. Sahlin, Gleerups, Lund. Swedish translation published in Blotta tanken (1992h).
  • 1983b (together with Nils-Eric Sahlin) "Decision making with unreliable probabilities", British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology 36, pp. 240-251. Reprinted on pp. 146-157 in System Design for Human Interaction, ed. by A. P. Sage, IEEE Press, New York, 1987. Reprinted in Foundations of Probability, Econometrics and Economic Games, ed. by O. F. Hamouda and J. C. R. Rowley, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, Cheltham 1997.
  • 1983a "On the information about individual utilities used in social choice", Mathematical Social Sciences 4, pp. 219-228.
  • 1982i Review of “Expected Utility Hypotheses and the Allais Paradox”, Zentralblatt fur Mathematik, Vol. 468.
  • 1982h "Sneed\'s reconstruction of the structure and dynamics of theories", in After Kuhn - Method and Anarchy?, ed. by B. Hansson, Doxa, Lund. (Revision and translation of 1980g. The book was never published)
  • 1982g "Theoretical concepts and their function", in After Kuhn - Method or Anarchy?, ed. by B. Hansson, Doxa, Lund. (Revision and translation of 1980f. The book was never published).
  • 1982f Review of Dilworth, C.: Scientific Progress, Filosofisk Tidskrift 3, pp. 44-46.
  • 1982e "Rules for rational changes of belief", pp. 88-101 in <320311>: Philosophical Essays Dedicated to Lennart Åqvist on His Fiftieth Birthday, ed. by T. Pauli, Philosophical Studies published by the Phil. Society and The Dept. of Phil., Uppsala University, No. 34, Uppsala.
  • 1982d (together with Nils-Eric Sahlin) "Reply to Levi", Synthese 53, pp. 433-438.
  • 1982c (together with Nils-Eric Sahlin) "Unreliable probabilities, risk taking and decision making", Synthese 53, pp. 361-386. Reprinted on pp. 313-334 in Decision, Probability and Utility, ed. by P. Gärdenfors and N.-E. Sahlin, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1988. Reprinted in The Economics of Uncertainty, ed. by D. Hey, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, Cheltham 1997.
  • 1982b "Imaging and conditionalization", Journal of Philosophy 79, pp. 747-760.
  • 1982a "Dynamic systems as tools for forecasting and planning: A presentation and some methodological aspects", Theory and Decision 14, pp. 237-273.
  • 1981f "Har vetenskapsmannen något moraliskt ansvar?" (Does the scientist have any moral responsibility?), Röster i Radio-TV, November, 1981.
  • 1981e "Rationalitet och trygghet" (Rationality and security), Filosofisk Tidskrift 2, pp. 39-42.
  • 1981d "Hur beskriver man ofullständig kunskap?" (How is incomplete knowledge to be described?), Filosofisk Tidskrift 2, pp. 1-11.
  • 1981c "Rights, games and social choice", Nous 15, pp. 341-356.
  • 1981b "An epistemic approach to conditionals", American Philosophical Quarterly 18, pp. 203-211.
  • 1981a "Game theory and ethics", pp. 194-198 in Ethics: Foundations, Problems and Applications, Proceedings of the 5th International Wittgenstein Symposium, Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky, Wien.
  • 1980h Review of Brante, T.: Vetenskapens struktur och förändring. (Structure and change in science), Sydsvenska Dagbladet, August 23, 1980.
  • 1980g "Sneeds rekonstruktion av teoriers struktur och dynamik" (Sneed\'s reconstruction of the structure and dynamics of theories), pp. 93-106 in Metod eller Anarki, ed. by B. Hansson, Doxa, Lund.
  • 1980f "Teoretiska begrepp och deras funktion" (Theoretical concepts and their function), pp. 77-92 in Metod eller Anarki, ed. by B. Hansson, Doxa, Lund.
  • 1980e Review of the Swedish translation of Kuhn, T.: The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Sydsvenska Dagbladet, January 29, 1980.
  • 1980d "A pragmatic approach to explanations", Philosophy of Science 47, pp. 404-423.
  • 1980c (together with Bengt Hansson) "Forecasting non-stationary time series - some methodological aspects", Technological Forecasting and Social Change 18, pp. 63-75.
  • 1980b Review of Ellis, B.: Rational Belief Systems, Synthese 44, pp. 161-169.
  • 1980a "On the information provided by forecasting models", Technological Forecasting and Social Change 16, pp. 351-361.
  • 1979f "Teorin för sociala beslut" (The theory of social choice), Värld och vetande 1979:4, pp. 121-125.
  • 1979e "Dynamiska modeller för prognoser och planering" (Dynamic Models for Forecasting and Planning), pp. 14-16 in Matematiska modeller för Sociala System, NFR, Stockholm.
  • 1979d "Forecasts, decisions and uncertain probabilities", Erkenntnis 14, pp. 159-181.
  • 1979c "On definitions of manipulation of social choice functions", pp. 29-36 in Aggregation and Revelation of Preferences, ed. by J.-J. Laffont, North-Holland, Amsterdam.
  • 1979b "Even if", pp. 189-203 in Proceedings of the 5th Scandinavian Logic Symposium, ed. by F. V. Jensen, B. H. Mayoh and K. K. Möller, Aalborg University Press, Aalborg.
  • 1979a "Conditionals and changes of belief", pp. 381-404 in The Logic and Epistemology of Scientific Change, ed. by I. Niiniluoto and R. Tuomela, North Holland, Amsterdam.
  • 1978f (together with Bengt Hansson and Krister Segerberg) Editor of Theoria 1978-1986.
  • 1978e "Modeller för katastrofer" (Models of catastrophes), Insikt och Handling 13, pp. 15-30.
  • 1978d "Katastrofteori" (Catastrophe theory), in the encyclopedia Bra Böckers Lexikon, 2nd ed.
  • 1978c "On the interpretation of deontic logic", Logique et Analyse 84, pp. 371-398.
  • 1978b "Fairness without interpersonal comparisons", Theoria 44, pp. 57-74.
  • 1978a "On the logic of relevance", Synthese 37, pp. 351-367. Reprinted in Philosophy of Probability, ed. by J.-P. Dubucs, Philosophical Studies Series 56, Kluwer, Dordrecht 1993, pp. 35-54.
  • 1977b "Katastrofer i teori och praktik" (Catastrophes in theory and practice), Forskning och Framsteg 1977:4, pp. 2-9.
  • 1977a "A concise proof of a theorem on manipulation of social choice functions", Public Choice 32, pp. 137-142.
  • 1976b "Relevance and redundancy in deductive explanations", Philosophy of Science 43, pp. 420-431.
  • 1976a "Manipulations of social choice functions", Journal of Economic Theory 13, pp. 217-228.
  • 1975e Review of Crossley, J. N.: What is Mathematical Logic, Elementa 58, pp. 176-177.
  • 1975d Review of Danielsson, S.: Two Papers on Rationality and Group Preferences, Theoria 41, pp. 170-175.
  • 1975c "Some basic theorems of qualitative probability", Studia Logica 34, pp. 257-264.
  • 1975b "Qualitative probability as an intensional logic", Journal of Philosophical Logic 4, pp. 171-185.
  • 1975a "Match making: Assignments based on bilateral preferences", Behavioral Science 20, pp. 166-173.
  • 1974b Group Decision Theory, Studentlitteratur, Lund. (Ph.D. dissertation).
  • 1974a (together with Bengt Hansson) "Filtrations and the finite frame property in Boolean semantics", pp. 32-39 in Proceedings of the 3rd Scandinavian Logic Symposium, ed. by S. Kanger, North-Holland, Amsterdam.
  • 1973f "Methods of social choice theory applied to other problems", Working Paper No. 9, The Mattias Fremling Society, Lund.
  • 1973e (together with Bengt Hansson) Mängd och tal: En introduktion till teorin för kardinal- och ordinaltal (Set and Number: An Introduction to the theory of Cardinal och Ordinal Numbers), Liber, Lund.
  • 1973d (together with Bengt Hansson) "A guide to intensional semantics", pp. 151-167 in Modality, Morality, and Other Problems of Sense and Nonsense, Liber, Lund.
  • 1973c "On the extensions of S5", Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 14, pp. 277-280.
  • 1973b "Assignment problem based on ordinal preferences", Management Science 20, pp. 331-340.
  • 1973a "Positionalist voting functions", Theory and Decision 4, pp. 1-24.
  • 1971b Chapters 1 and 4 of Arbetsbok i logik (Workbook in Logic), The Mattias Fremling Society, Lund.
  • 1971a "En undersökning av några gruppbeslutsmetoder för flera alternativ" (An investigation of some group decision methods for several alternatives), mimeograph, Department of Philosophy, Lund University.
  • 1970 "Logiska villkor för demokratiska beslut" (Logical conditions for democratic decisions), mimeograph, Department of Philosophy, Lund University.
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