Peter Gärdenfors

1970–1989  |  1990–1999  |  2000–2009  |  2010–2019  |  2020–present  |

Bibliography: 2000 – 2009

  • 2009g "Lek ur ett evolutionärt och kognitivt perspektiv" (Play from evolutionary and cognitive perspectives), pp. 43-54 in Lek för att lära - utveckling, kognition och kultur, ed. by Mikael Jensen and Åsa Harvard, Studentlitteratur.
  • 2009f Mary-Anne Williams, John McCarthy, Peter Gärdenfors, Christopher Stanton and Alankar Karol "A grounding framework", Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 19, pp. 272-296.
  • 2009e "Var finns ordens betydelser?" (Where do the meanings of words exist?), Annales Academiæ Regiæ Scientiarum Upsaliensis 37, pp. 9-22.
  • 2009d "Ta trudna sztuka spojrzenia na siebie", Tygiel Kultury 2009:4-6, (Polish translation of 2008b).
  • 2009c Review in Swedish of Tomasello: Origins of Human Communication (MIT Press 2008), Axess 2009:3, pp. 65-67.
  • 2009b "The social stance and its relation to intersubjectivity", pp. 291-305 in Frontiers of Sociology, ed. by B. Wittrock and P. Hedström, Brill, Leiden.
  • 2009a Review in Swedish of Staffan Ulfstrand: Darwins idé (Symposion 2008), Axess 2009:2, pp. 63-64.
  • 2008o "Människan vaknar med maskinerna" (Man awakens with the machines), Ord & Bild5:2008, pp. 16-20.
  • 2008n Peter Gärdenfors and Jana Holsanova "Kommunikation med och utan teknik" (Communication with and without technology), pp. 25-48 in Tekniken bakom språket, ed. by R. Domeij, Språkrådet, Norstedts, Stockholm.
  • 2008m (together with Christian Freksa, Nora Newcombe and Stefan Wölfl) Editor of Spatial Cognition VI: Learning, Reasoning and Talking about Space, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 5248, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
  • 2008l Peter Gärdenfors and Annika Wallin, eds. A Smorgasbord of Cognitive Science, Nya Doxa, Nora.
  • 2008k Peter Gärdenfors and Jana Holsanova "Communication with and without technology" (English translation of 2008n), pp. 231-247 in A Smorgasbord of Cognitive Science, ed. by P. Gärdenfors and A. Wallin, Nya Doxa, Nora. Also published in Cognition, Meaning and Action. Lodz-Lund Studies in Cognitive Science, Lodz 2015.
  • 2008i "Berättelsernas betydelse" (The meaning of stories), Tvärsnitt 2:08, pp. 6-9.
  • 2008h "Det lurade ögat" (The fooled eye), pp. 88-95 in Lura ögat: Fem seklers bländverk, ed. by K. Sidén, Nationalmuseum, Stockholm.
  • 2008g (together with Paulina Lindström) "Understanding is experiencing a pattern", pp. 149-164 in A Smorgasbord of Cognitive Science, ed. by P. Gärdenfors and A. Wallin, Nya Doxa, Nora.
  • 2008f (together with Christian Balkenius) "Anticipation requires adaptation", commentary on R. Nijhawan "Visual prediction: Psychophysics and neurophysiology of compensation for time delays", Behavioral and Brain Sciences31(2), pp.199-200.
  • 2008e "The role of intersubjectivity in animal and human cooperation", Biological Theory 3:1, pp. 1-12.
  • 2008d "At se sig selv" (Seeing oneself), Danish translation and revision of 2008b, Information, March 26.
  • 2008c "Reasoning in conceptual spaces", pp. 302-320 in Reasoning: Studies of Human Inference and Its Foundations, ed. by J. Adler and L. Rips, Cambridge University Press, New York, NY.
  • 2008b "Den svåra konsten att få syn på sig själv" (The difficult art of seeing oneself), Svenska Dagbladet, January 25.
  • 2008a (together with Mary-Anne Williams) "Multi-agent communication, planning and collaboration based on perceptions, conceptions and simulations", pp. 95-121in Mental States, Volume 1: Evolution, Function, Nature, ed. by A. Schalley and D. Khlenthos, Benjamins, Amsterdam.
  • 2007o (together with Tomas Persson) "Varför har vi så stora ögonvitor?" (Why do we have so large scleras?), Forskning and Framsteg 12/07.
  • 2007n "Representing actions and functional properties in conceptual spaces", pp. 167-195 in Body, Language and Mind, Volume 1: Embodiment, ed. by T. Ziemke, J. Zlatev and R. M. Frank, Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin.
  • 2007m "Evolutionary and developmental aspects of intersubjectivity", pp. 281-305 in Consciousness Transitions: Phylogenetic, Ontogenetic and Physiological Aspects, ed. by H Liljenström and P. Århem, Elsevier, Amsterdam.
  • 2007l Comment Homo est devenu sapiens (French translation of 2003d), Éditions Sciences Humanines, Auxerre.
  • 2007k "Understanding cultural patterns", in Learning in the Global Era: International Perspectives on Globalization and Education, ed. by M. M. Suarez-Orozco, University of California Press, pp. 67-84.
  • 2007j "Cognitive semantics and image schemas with embodied forces", pp. 57-76 in Embodiment in Cognition and Culture, ed. by J. M. Krois, M. Rosengren, A. Steidele and D. Westerkamp, Benjamins, Amsterdam. Reprinted in Festscrift: Essays in Honour of Dunja Jutronic, ed. by B. Borstner, University of Maribor, 2008 (
  • 2007i "Lucifereffekten är en del av evolutionen" (The Lucifer effect is a part of evolution), Svenska Dagbladet, August 18.
  • 2007h "We and they", Framework, No. 7, June'07 (Special Nordic issue on "Nationality in Context"), pp. 14-15.
  • 2007g "Grottans språk och den andra världen" (The language of the cave and the other world), Svenska Dagbladet, July 8.
  • 2007f (together with Mathias Osvath) "What are the evolutionary causes of mental time travel?", commentary on T. Suddendorf and M. C. Corballis "The evolution of foresight: What is mental time travel and is it unique thumans?", Behavioral and Brain Sciences 30, pp. 329-330.
  • 2007e (together with Werner Kuhn and Martin Raubal) "Cognitive semantics and spatio-temporal ontologies", Spatial Cognition and Computation, 7, no. 1, pp. 3-12.
  • 2007d "Mindreading and control theory", European Review. 15, no. 2, pp. 223-240.
  • 2007c "La intuición como conocimiento implícito" (Spanish translation of 2000d), Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica, XLIII, no. 108, pp. 51-55.
  • 2007b "The cognitive and communicative demands of cooperation", in the electronic Festschrift Hommage à Wlodek: Philosophical Papers Dedicated to Wlodek Rabinowicz (
  • 2007a "Audiens hos schimpanser och gorillor", Forskning och Framsteg 1/07, pp. 56-57.
  • 2006k (together with Sverker Johansson and Jordan Zlatev) "Why don't chimps talk and humans sing like canaries?" Commentary on Locke and Bogin "Language and life history", Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29:3, pp. 287-288.
  • 2006j Review of Daniel Dennett, Breaking the Spell (Allen Lane 2006), Annex7:2006. Also published in Humanisten 5:2006, pp. 30-32.
  • 2006i "Religion ur ett evolutionärt perspektiv" (Religion from an evolutionary perspective), Humanisten 3:2006, pp. 27-30.
  • 2006h "En tornsvala i tankens laboratorium" (A swift in the laboratory of thought), Svenska Dagbladet, August 11.
  • 2006g "A representation theorem for voting with logical consequences", Economics and Philosophy 22, pp.181-190.
  • 2006f (together with Massimo Warglien) "Cooperation, conceptual spaces and the evolution of semantics", in Symbol Grounding and Beyond, ed. by P. Vogt, Y.Sugita, E. Tuci and C. Nehaniv, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 16-30.
  • 2006e "Kan Darwin förklara Gud?" (Can Darwin explain God?), Svenska Dagbladet, July 4.
  • 2006d "Det yttre landskapet som stöd för minne och tänkande" (The outer landscape as support for memory and thinking), Bild i Skolan 2:06, pp. 13-14.
  • 2006c "Vi berättar för livet" (We tell for life), Forskning och Framsteg 3:2006, pp. 28-31.
  • 2006b Den meningssökande människan (The Meaning-seeking Human), Natur och Kultur, Stockholm.
  • 2006a Cómo el Homo se Convirtió en Sapiens (Spanish translation of 2003d), Espasa, Madrid.
  • 2005n "Concept learning and non-monotonic reasoning", pp. 824-845 in Handbook of Categorization, ed. by H. Cohen and C. Lefebvre, Elsevier, Amsterdam.
  • 2005m (together with Mathias Osvath) "Quand les hommes inventèrent l'avenir", Science Humaines, December 2005, pp. 58-63. Reprinted on pp. 104-115 in Révolution dans nos origines, ed. by Jean-Francois Dortier, Éditions Sciences Humaines, Paris, 2015.
  • 2005l (together with Jordan Zlatev and Tomas Persson) "Bodily mimesis as 'the missing link' in human cognitive evolution", Lund University Cognitive Studies 121, Lund.
  • 2005k (together with Jordan Zlatev and Tomas Persson) "Triadic bodily mimesis is the difference!", commentary on Tomasello et al. "Understanding and sharing intentions: The origins of cultural cognition", Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28:5, pp. 720-721.
  • 2005j (together with Mathias Osvath) "Oldowan culture and the evolution of anticipatory cognition", Lund University Cognitive Studies 122, Lund.
  • 2005i "Likhet och sannolikhet i beslutsfattande och begreppsbildning" (Similarity and probability in decision making and concept formation), pp. 103-121 in Risk och det levande mänskliga, ed. by I. Brinck, S. Halldén, A.-S. Maurin, and J. Persson, Nya Doxa, Nora.
  • 2005h Tankens vindlar: Om språk, minne och berättande (The Whorls of Thought: On Language, Memory and Narration), Nya Doxa, Nora.
  • 2005g "Om djurs lekar - och människors" (On the play of animals - and humans), pp. 21-28 in Ting för Lek, Kulturens Årsbok 2005.
  • 2005f "Frågan om livets mening - ett skenproblem?" (The question about the meaning of life - a pseudo-problem?), PRO Pensionären 3:2005, p. 16.
  • 2005e "Leken gör oss till människor" (Playing make us human), Svenska Dagbladet March 16, 2005.
  • 2005d "Människan ­ det förutseende djuret" (Man - the anticipatory animal), pp. 198-212 in Arkeologi och naturvetenskap, Gyllenstiernska Krapperupsstiftelsen.
  • 2005c (together with Petter Johansson) "Introduction to Cognition, Education and Communcation Technology" pp. 1-20 in Cognition, Education and Communication Technology, ed. by P. Gärdenfors and P. Johansson, Lawrence Erlbaum Publishers, 2005.
  • 2005b The Dynamics of Thought, Springer, Berlin.
  • 2005a "The detachment of thought", pp. 323-341 in Mind as a Scientific Subject: Between Brain and Culture, ed. by C. Erneling and D. Johnson, Oxford University Press. Abridged version published as "The evolution of thought", pp. 81-97 in A Smorgasbord of Cognitive Science, ed. by P. Gärdenfors and A. Wallin, Nya Doxa, Nora.
  • 2004k "Visualizing the meanings of words", in Language and Visualization, edited by Y. Eriksson and K. Holmqvist, Lund University Cognitive Studies 119, pp. 51-69. French translation published as "Visualiser le sens des mots", pp. 77-103 in Langage et visualisation, Le doigts qui rêvent, Talant, 2008
  • 2004j "Att skapa gemensamma visioner: Om språkets roll i människans utveckling" (Creating common visions: On the role of language in human evolution), Axess, No. 2.
  • 2004i "Emulators as sources of hidden variables", commentary on "The emulation theory of perception" by Rick Grush, Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27:3, p. 403.
  • 2004h "Studiebegåvad motstår luckornas lockelse", Svenska Dagbladet, 17 December 2004.
  • 2004g "Conceptual spaces", Ch. 3 in Espacio y Tempo en Gestion y Análysis Social, ed. by Roger Churnside, Universidad de Costa Rica.
  • 2004f "Kvinnan från Flores", (The woman from Flores) Sydsvenska Dagbladet, 13 October 2004.
  • 2004e "Conceptual spaces as a framework for knowledge representation", Mind and Matter 2, pp. 9-27.
  • 2004d "How to make the Semantic Web more semantic", pp. 19-36 in Formal Ontology in Information Systems, ed. by A.C. Varzi and L. Vieu, IOS Press.
  • 2004c (together with other members of a committee) "The learning brain, the learning individual, the learning organisation", report from a committee for a Swedish research program on learning processes.
  • 2004b "Cooperation and the evolution of symbolic communication", in The Evolution of Communication Systems, ed. by K. Oller and U. Griebel, MIT Press, 2004, pp. 237-256.
  • 2004a "Längtan leder stegen mot framtiden" Longing leads the steps towards the future), review of J.-F. Dortier: L'homme - cet étrange animal, Science Humaines Editions, Paris, 2004, Svenska Dagbladet May2, 2004.
  • 2003k "Inductive reasoning: From Carnap to cognitive science", in Proceedings of the International Conference on Theoretical Neurobiology, ed. by N. C. Singh, National Brain Research Centre, Manesar, pp. 93-109. Also published in Revista Româna de Filosofie Analitica 2/2011, pp. 39-60.
  • 2003j "Religionen ger gräddfil i evolutionsracet" (Religion gives advantages in the evolutionary race), review of D. S. Wilson Darwin's Cathedral, University of ChicagPress, 2004, Svenska Dagbladet, August 21, 2003.
  • 2003i (together with Ingar Brinck) "Co-operation and communication in apes and humans", Mind and Language18, pp. 484-501.
  • 2003h "Spam är datorvärldens loppor" (Spam is the fleas of the computer world), Computer Sweden, October 20, 2003.
  • 2003g (together with Christian Balkenius) "Intelligenta lösningar behöver inte vara mänskliga" (English web version available as "Machines with ghosts"), Axess, No. 4, pp. 35-37.
  • 2003f "Personligheten och den kemiska soppan" (Personality and the chemical soup), Svenska Dagbladet August, 2003.
  • 2003e "Inlärningen följer inga tayloristiska checklistor" (Learning does not follow tayloristic check lists), Svenska Dagbladet, April 15, 2003.
  • 2003d How Homo became sapiens: On the evolution of thinking, translation and revision of 2000c, Oxford University Press, 2003 (Japanese translation published in 2005 by Kenkyusha).
  • 2003c (together with Mary-Anne Williams) "Building rich and grounded robot world models from sensors and knowledge resources: A conceptual spaces approach", Proceedings of AMIRE 2003.
  • 2003b (together with Ingar Brinck) "Co-operation in apes and humans", pp. 367-376 in On Mind and Consciousness, Selected papers from the MiCon 2002 Conference, ed. by Ch. Chakraborti, M. K. Mandal and R. B. Chatterjee, Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla.
  • 2003a "Djurens prat - här och nu" (The talk of animals - here and now), review of Sverre Sjölander: Naturens Budbärare, Dagens Forskning No. 5, 2003, p. 22
  • 2002k "Les sciences cognitives: des ordinateurs et des fourmilières comme modèles de la pensée" (French translation of 1999g), in Les sciences sociales dans le monde, UNESCO Publishing/Elsevier, Paris, pp. 362-375.
  • 2002j (together with Lars Kopp) "Attention as a minimal criterion of intentionality in robots", Cognitive Science Quarterly 2, pp. 302-319.
  • 2002i "La révision des croyances et le test de Ramsey pour les conditionnels", pp. 31-43 in Révision des croyances, ed. P. Livet, Hermes Sciences, Paris 2002. (French translation of 1986b)
  • 2002h "Förord" (Preface), pp. 5-6 in Lärkraft: Om forskning kring datorstött lärande, KK-stiftelsens skriftserie, 2002.
  • 2002g "Försiktigt om djuriska tankar" (Guarded about animal thoughts), review of Marc Hauser Wild Minds, Dagens Forskning No. 18, 2002, p. 27.
  • 2002f "Den svävande tanken" (Hovering thought), pp. 13-16 in Tanken Flyger, Sockholm Arts and Sciences, Stockholm 2002.
  • 2002e "En tanke kommer sällan ensam" (A thought seldom comes alone), review of M. Donald A Mind so Rare and M. Tomasello The Cultural Origins of Human Cognition, Dagens Forskning, No. 12, 2002, p. 20-21.
  • 2002d "Hjärnan är inte en dator" (The brain is not a computer), Dagens Forskning, No. 13, June 2002.
  • 2002c "Avtryck i huvudet" (Marks in the head), Stjärnstopp 2002.
  • 2002b (together with Jan Wolenski and Katarzyna Kijana-Placek) Editor of In the Scope of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Volumes One and Two of the 11th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Cracow, August 1999, Kluwer, Dordrecht.
  • 2002a Review in Swedish of P. Bloom How Children Learn the Meaning of Words, MIT Press 2000, Dagens Forskning, February 2002.
  • 2001u "Concept modeling, essential properties and similarity spaces" (Commentary on Paul Bloom: How Children Learn the Meanings of Words, MIT Press 2000), Behavioral and Brain Sciences24 (6), pp. 1105-1106.
  • 2001t "Vad är det för vits med att vara osjälvisk?" (What's the point of being unselfish?), 00tal, No. 8, pp. 62-65.
  • 2001s "Slicing the theory of mind", Danish Yearbook for Philosophy36, pp. 7-34.
  • 2001r "Att förstå är att se mönster" (To understand is to see patterns), pp. 21-25 in IT i skolan - mirakelmedicin eller sockerpiller?, Rapport 45/2001, IT-kommisionen.
  • 2001q "Från sågspån till tankespån" (From sawdust to thought dust), Degeberga Byablad.
  • 2001p "Les espaces conceptuels", Intellectica 2001/1, n° 32, pp. 185-205.
  • 2001o "Allt färre behärskar europeiska språk" (Fewer and fewer master European languages), Svenska Dagbladet, November 13, 2001.
  • 2001n "För många ämnen hämmar humaniora" (Too many subjects hamper the humanities), Svenska Dagbladet, August 1, 2001.
  • 2001m "Konsten att luras: Evolutionära aspekter av bedrägeri" (The art of fooling: Evolutionary aspects of deception), Kungliga Humanistiska Vetenskapssamfundets i Lund Årsberättelse, pp. 19-35.
  • 2001l Review in Swedish of D. Lodge: Thinks ..., Secker & Warburg, 1999, Sydsvenska Dagbladet, June 15.
  • 2001k "Dags att lämna det deskriptiva" (Commentary on the Swedish Research Council's proposal for research on education), Svenska Dagbladet, May 13, 2001.
  • 2001j "Kunskap finns inte i lådor" (There is no knowledge in boxes), Stjärnstopp 2001, p. 9.
  • 2001i "Kan apor förstå fysik? (Can apes understand physics), review in Swedish of D. J. Povinelli: Folk Physics for Apes, Oxford University Press 2000, and C. Hayes and L. Huber (eds.): The Evolution of Cognition, MIT Press 2000, Svenska Dagbladet, May 7, 2001.
  • 2001h "Mänskliga maskiner" (Human machines), Expressen, March 29, 2001.
  • 2001g "Att vakna främmande" (Waking up strange), manuscript.
  • 2001f "Minnets metaforer", review in Swedish of D. Draaisma: Metaphors of Memory, Cambridge University Press 2000, Svenska Dagbladet, February 7, 2001.
  • 2001e "Sprida information och förmedla kunskap" (Spreading information and mediating knowledge), Obs - Kulturkvarten (radio program), January 18.
  • 2001d "Fiktion" (Fiction), Sydsvenska Dagbladet, February 6, 2001.
  • 2001c (together with Mary-Anne Williams) "Reasoning about categories in conceptual spaces", pp. 385- 392 in Proceedings ofIJCAI 2001 Morgan Kaufmann, PalAlto.
  • 2001b "Concept learning: A geometrical model", Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, vol. 101, pp. 163-183. Abridged version published on pp. 165-181 in A Smorgasbord of Cognitive Science, ed. by P. Gärdenfors and A. Wallin, Nya Doxa, Nora.
  • 2001a "Varför behöver vi egentligen känslor?" (Why do we need feelings, actually?), review in Swedish of A. Damasio: The Feeling of What Happens, William Heinemann 2000, Svenska Dagbladet, January 7, 2001.
  • 2000h Summary of presentation at the 5th Peder Saether Symposium on Higher Education in the digital age, Berkeley University, 9-10 March, 2000
  • 2000g (together with Christian Balkenius and Lars Hall) "The origin of symbols in the brain", paper presented at the conference on Evolution of Language, March 6-9, 2000, Paris.
  • 2000f (together with Annika Wallin) "Smart people that make simple heuristics work" commentary on G. Gigerenzer and P. K. Todd, "Précis of Simple Heuristics That Make Us Smart", Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23, p. 765.
  • 2000e "Concept combination: a geometrical model", pp. 129-146 in L. Cavedon, P. Blackburn,, N. Braisby and A. Shimojima (eds) Logic language and Computation Vol 3, CSLI, Stanford, CA. (A preliminary version of the paper was published on pp. 147-160 in the proceedings of ITALLC'98, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan.)
  • 2000d "Intuition as implicit knowledge", pp. 135-140 in Intuitive Formation of Meaning, ed by S. Sandström, Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademien, Stockholm.
  • 2000c Hur Homo blev sapiens: Om tankens evolution (How Homo Became Sapiens: On The Evolution of Thought), Nya Doxa, Nora.
  • 2000b Conceptual Spaces, Bradford Books, MIT Press (Table of contents ). Order from Amazon. Paperback edition published 2004.
  • 2000a "Hur mycket språk kan schimpanser lära sig?" (How much language can chimpanzees learn?), review in Swedish of S. Savage-Rumbaugh and R. Lewin; Kanzi, The Ape at the Brink of the Human Mind, Wiley 1994, and S. Savage-Rumbaugh, S. G. Shanker and T. J. Taylor: Apes, Language and the Human Mind, Oxford University Press 1998, Svenska Dagbladet, March 4, 2000.
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