Peter Gärdenfors

1970–1989  |  1990–1999  |  2000–2009  |  2010–2019  |  2020–present  |

Bibliography: 2020 – present

[ updated: 231231 ]

  • 2023hh Hur tänker människor, djur och robotar? – Om gränserna för AI, book manuscript.

  • 2023gg “Cómo el cerebro completa los espacios vacíos” (Spanish translation of 2023ff), Psychology Today en Español, December 11.

  • 2023ff “How the brain fills in the blanks”, Psychology Today, December 7.

  • 2023ee “Applications of convexity in semantics for natural language”, manuscript.

  • 2023 dd Mattias Jakobsson, Peter Gärdenfors, Torbjörn Fagerström, Leif Andersson, Anders Götherström, Ulf Pettersson and Dan Larhammar “Om människans evolution” (On human evolution), The Royal Swedish Academy of Science.

  • 2023cc “Comprender es ver un patron” (Spanish translation of 2023aa), Psychology Today en Español, November 14.

  • 2023 bb “Understanding is seeing a pattern”, Psychology Today, November 7.

  • 2023aa Hubert Hågemark and Peter Gärdenfors “Expressives, directives and informatives: A cognitive analysis of the evolution of speech acts”, submitted.

  • 2023ö Anders Högberg, Marlize Lombard, Albin Högberg, Eva Iliefski-Janols, Gustaf Lindblad, Alexander Almér, William Hedley-Thompson, Mattias Rost, Sebastian Andreasson, Alexander Wiig, Peter Gärdenfors “What is tested by reinventing the wheel, and what does it reveal about human socio-technical evolution?”, submitted.

  • 2023ä Matías Osta Vélez and Peter Gärdenfors “Conceptual coherence”, submitted.

  • 2023å Peter Gärdenfors and Marlize Lombard “Agency at a distance: Learning causal connections”, submitted.

  • 2023z Jana Holsanova, Johan Blomberg, Frida Blomberg, Peter Gärdenfors, Roger Johansson “Event segmentation in audio description of films”, The Journal of Audiovisual Translation 6(1), pp. 64–92.

  • 2023y “The hidden systems that determine our attention”, Psychology Today, October 2.

  • 2023x “Natural concepts and the economics of cognition and communication”, submitted.

  • 2023w “Event structure, force dynamics and verb semantics”, Language Sciences. Online version published 231226.

  • 2023v “Varför AI inte kommer att ta över världen” (Why AI is not taking over the world), to appear in SANS.

  • 2023u Peter Gärdenfors and Matías Osta Vélez “The essence of a concept is its principal components”, submitted.

  • 2023t Igor Douven, Steven Verheyen, Shira Elqayam, Peter Gärdenfors and Matías Osta Vélez “Similarity-based reasoning in conceptual spaces”, Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1234483.

  • 2023s “Choice blindness: Do you notice if you get what you choose?”, Psychology Today, August 14.

  • 2023r Igor Douven, Steven Verheyen, Shira Elqayam, Peter Gärdenfors and Matías Osta Velez “Analogical reasoning: A Carnapian approach”, submitted.

  • 2023q “El noble arte del autoengaño” (Spanish translation of 2023p), Psychology Today en Español, July 22.

  • 2023p “The noble art of self-deception, Psychology Today, July 15.

  • 2023o “The conflict between current desires and future rewards”, Psychology Today, July 4.

  • 2023n Martin Peterson and Peter Gärdenfors “How to measure value alignment in AI”, AI and Ethics, published online October 20

  • 2023m Peter Gärdenfors and Matías Osta Vélez “Reasoning with concepts: A unifying model”, Minds and Machines, 33, pp. 451-485.

  • 2023l “Why AI lacks judgment”, Psychology Today, June 5.

  • 2023k Marlize Lombard and Peter Gärdenfors “Minds on fire: Cognitive and archaeological aspects of hunter-gatherer firemaking”, Cambridge Archaeological Journal, online May 29.

  • 2023j 為什麼人和動物都會笑呢? (Why do humans and animals laugh?), Chinese translation of 2023i.

  • 2023i “Why do humans and animals laugh?”, Psychology Today, May 11.

  • 2023h Erik Mohlin and Peter Gärdenfors “Ambiguity aversion and value uncertainty generate an endowment effect”, submitted.

  • 2023g “Why we are not zombies: An evolutionary perspective on consciousness”, Psychology Today, April 30.

  • 2023f “Vi är musiken” (We are the music), review of Humphrey: Sentience, Axess. 7:2023, pp. 77-79.

  • 2023e “How do children learn the meaning of words? Psychology Today, April 25.

  • 2023d Paula Quinon and Peter Gärdenfors “Invariances and the number concept”, submitted.

  • 2023c Peter Gärdenfors and Marlize Lombard "The evolution of human causal cognition", Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Archaeology.

  • 2023b “Teaching unleashes expression” (Commentary on Heintz and Scott-Phillips “Expression unleashed”), Behavioral and Brain Sciences, published online 17 February. doi: 10.1017/S0140525X22000796

  • 2023a “Skall robotar ses som människor eller djur?” (Should robots be seen as humans or as animals?), SANS›, 4, pp, 32-37.

  • 2022u Przemyslaw Zywiczynski, Marek Placinski, Slawomir Wacewicz, Marta Sibierska, Monika Boruta-Żywiczyńska, Michał Meina and Peter Gärdenfors “Praxis, demonstration and pantomime: A motion capture investigation of differences in action performances”, submitted.

  • 2022t “Vad vi vet, vad vi tror vi vet och vad vi inte vet” (What we know, what we believe we know, and what we do not know), Kungl. Fysiografiska Sällskapet i Lund, Årsbok 2021-2022, pp.141-147.

  • 2022s “Nattviol” (Lesser butterfly orchid), lyrics for a composition for soprano, flute, guitar and cello by Johannes Jansson, first performed 30 July 2022.

  • 2022r ”Den fantastiska fantasin” (The fantastic fantasy), review of David Bäckström Fantasi, Sydsvenska Dagbladet, November 21 2022.

  • 2022q "Reasoning with expectations about causal relations", Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 67, 201-217. DOI: 10.2478/slgr-2022-0011.

  • 2022p “Teaching as evolutionary precursor to language”, Frontiers in Communication, December 4,

  • 2022o “The relations of demonstration and pantomime to causal reasoning and event cognition”, to appear in Perspectives on Pantomime: Evolution, Development, Interaction, ed. by Przemyslaw Zywiczynski, Johan Blomberg, and Monika Boruta-Zywiczynska, John Benjamin Publishing.

  • 2022n Axel Ekström, Jens Nirme, Peter Gärdenfors “Motion iconicity in prosody”, Frontiers in Communication, doi: 10.3389/fcomm.2022.994162.

  • 2022m “Undervisningens evolution” (The evolution of teaching), Kungliga Vitterhets- Historie- och Antikvitetsakademiens Årsbok 2022, pp. 135-148.

  • 2022l Chris Sinha, Michael Arbib, Francesco d’Errico, Peter Gärdenfors, Bernd Heine and Rukmini Nair “Human origins and language origins: A multidisciplinary approach”, manuscript.

  • 2022k “Människa, maskin, medvetande: En presentation av kognitionsvetenskap” (Man, machine, mind: A presentation of cognitive science), pp. 114-129 in Människan i centrum, ed. by A. Jarrick, G. Cavalli-Björkman and K. Lidén, Votum, Karlstad.

  • 2022j Matías Osta Vélez and Peter Gärdenfors “Analogy as a search procedure: A dimensional view”, Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, doi: 10.1080/0952813X.2022.2125081

  • 2022i Isak Aho Nyman and Peter Gärdenfors “Towards a resonance theory of metaphor understanding”, submitted.

  • 2022h “Så får orden mening” (That’s how words get their meaning), Språktidningen, 3/22, 53-57.

  • 2022g “Conceptual engineering for engineers (and for philosophers): Conceptual spaces as a tool”, to appear in New Perspectives on Conceptual Engineering (Volume 1: Foundational Issues in Conceptual Engineering), ed. by M. G. Isaac, S. Koch and K. Sharp, Springer, Berlin.

  • 2022f “Value uncertainty affects loss aversion and the endowment effect”, SSRN

  • 2022e Peter Gärdenfors, Jürgen Jost and Massimo Warglien “Compositionality and polysemy modelled by presheaves”, submitted.

  • 2022d “Utan omdöme” (Without judgment), Axess 5/22.

  • 2022c “The human need for a future”, Differens, Spring 2022, 13-20.

  • 2022b Anton Wrisberg, Annika Wallin and Peter Gärdenfors “Changes in endowment effect when buyers and sellers receive new information”, submitted.

  • 2022a Hur orden får mening (How Words Get Their Meaning), Natur och Kultur, Stockholm.

  • 2021p “Uppmärksamhetens kognitiva sidor” (Cognitive aspects of attention), Ikaros 4/21, 4-6.

  • 2021o “Nätbokhandlare säljer plagierade böcker” (Internet bookstores sell plagiarized books), Curie 14/9.

  • 2021n “Does Bildung make you a better person?” Medium 29/7. (Translation of 2021m)

  • 2021m ”Blir man en bättre människa av att vara bildad?” (Does Bildung make you a better person), Sans 4/2021, 68-73.

  • 2021l ”Hur vet vi om en maskin är intelligent?” (How do we know whether a machine is intelligent?), Sydsvenska Dagbladet, July 6.

  • 2021k “Causal reasoning and event cognition as evolutionary determinants of language structure”, Entropy 23(7), 843.

  • 2021j ”Kittlade djur ger oss insikter om människan” (Tickling animals give us insights about humans), Svenska Dagbladet, July 26.

  • 2021i “Att filosofera med science fiction” (Philosophizing with science fiction), Sydsvenska Dagbladet, March 29.

  • 2021h Peter Gärdenfors and Anders Högberg “Evolution of intentional teaching”, Oxford Handbook of Human Symbolic Evolution, Oxford University Press, Oxford. DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198813781.013.9

  • 2021g Peter Gärdenfors and Matías Osta Vélez "Generics as expectations", submitted.

  • 2021f Maja Brala-Vukanovic, Peter Gärdenfors and Mihaela Matesic "Simile demonstratives in Croatian: Quantity, quality and beyond", Fluminensia: Casopis za filološka istraživanja 33(2), 387-416.

  • 2021e “Demonstration and pantomime in the evolution of teaching and communication“, Language and Communication 80, 71-79.

  • 2021d Matías Osta Vélez and Peter Gärdenfors "Nonmonotonic reasoning with expectations in conceptual spaces", Journal of Logic, Language and Information, pp.1-21.

  • 2021c Igor Douven, Shira Elqayam, Peter Gärdenfors, Patricia Mirabile "Conceptual spaces and the strength of similar-based arguments", Cognition 218, 104951.

  • 2021b "Crisis from a cognitive perspective", Zagadnienia Rodzaj w Literackich, LXIV, z. 1, 30-31. DOI:

  • 2021a Peter Gärdenfors and Marlize Lombard "Causal cognition and theory of mind in evolutionary cognitive archaeology", Biological Theory.

  • 2020m Måns Collin, Peter Gärdenfors, Töive Kivikas, Bo Melin, Christer Sandahl och Teresa Söderhjelm "Vad ledare och chefer behöver veta om människan som biologisk varelse" (What leaders need to know about humans as biological beings), manuscript.

  • 2020l "Comparing force prepositions with spatial prepositions", ЛЮБОСЛОВИЕ (Lyoboslovie) 20, 98-107.

  • 2020k Christian Balkenius, Trond Arild Tjøstheim, Birger Johansson, Annika Wallin and Peter Gärdenfors "The missing link between memory and reinforcement learning", Frontiers in Psychology, December 10, article 560080.

  • 2020j "Primary cognitive categories are determined by their invariances", Frontiers in Psychology, December 8, article 584017.

  • 2020i Peter Gärdenfors and Paula Quinon "Situated counting", Review of Philosophy and Psychology, 1-20.

  • 2020h Peter Gärdenfors and Marlize Lombard "Technology led to more abstract causal reasoning”, Biology and Philosophy. DOI 10.1007/s10539-020-09757-z.

  • 2020g "From pantomime to protolanguage", Paradigmi. Rivista di critica filosofica 38, 251-268.

  • 2020f "An epigenetic approach to semantic domains", IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems 12(2), 139 - 147. DOI 10.1109/TCDS.2018.2833387.

  • 2020e Igor Douven and Peter Gärdenfors: "What are natural concepts? A design perspective", Mind and Language 35, 313–334.

  • 2020d Matías Osta Vélez and Peter Gärdenfors "Category-based induction in conceptual spaces", Journal of Mathematical Psychology 96, DOI 10.1016/

  • 2020c Siri De Geer, Cristina Gunnarsdottir, Peter Gärdenfors and Kristina Hansson "A semantic domain theory of adjectives applied to children\'s acquisition of antonyms", submitted.

  • 2020b Peter Gärdenfors, Anders Högberg and Marlize Lombard "Where does the elephant come from? The evolution of causal cognition is the key" (Commentary on Osiurak and Reynaud "The elephant in the room: What matters cognitively in cumulative technological culture"), Behavioral and Brain Sciences 43. DOI 10.1017/S0140525X19003236.

  • 2020a "Events and causal mappings modeled in conceptual spaces", Frontiers in Psychology 11, 630, April 7.

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