Book chapters (page 1 of 7)
- Stedtler, S. & Leventi, M. (2025). Who Is Responsible? Social Identity, Robot Errors and Blame Attribution. In Seibt, J., Fazekas, P. & Santiago Quick, O. (Eds.) Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Social Robots with AI: Prospects, Risks, and Responsible Methods : Proceedings of Robophilosophy 2024 (pp. 284-297), 397. IOS Press.
- Krantz, A., Balkenius, C. & Johansson, B. (2023). Talk to Me : Using Speech for Loss-of-Trust Mitigation in Social Robots. Sound and Robotics : Speech, Non-Verbal Audio and Robotic Musicianship, 61-75. CRC Press/Balkema.
- Gärdenfors, P. & Lombard, M. (2022). The evolution of human causal cognition. Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Archaeology, 277-298. Oxford University Press.
- Holsanova, J. (2022). A cognitive approach to audio description : production and reception processes. In Taylor, C. J. & Perego, E. (Eds.) Routledge Handbooks in Translation and Interpreting Studies, The Routledge Handbook of Audio Description (pp. 57-77). Routledge.
- Holsanova, J. (2022). Syntolkning som multimodal medierande aktivitet. In Dahnberg, M. & Lindqvist, Y. (Eds.) Tango för tre : en dansant festskrift till Cecilia Wadensjö (pp. 63-74). Stockholms universitet.
- Gärdenfors, P. & Högberg, A. (2021). Evolution of intentional teaching. Oxford Handbook of Human Symbolic Evolution, 237-258. Oxford University Press.
- Hansson, K., Sahlén, B., Bååth, R. & Sikström, S. (2020). Linguistic : Application of LSA to predict linguistic maturity and language disorder in children. Statistical Semantics : Methods and Applications, 237-248. Springer International Publishing.
- Wahlberg, L. & Wallin, A. (2020). Sommartidsfrågan. In Sahlin, N.-E. (Ed.) Vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet: Hälsoråd (pp. 57-66).
- Wallin, A. & Dewitt, B. (2020). Science and proven experience : Applying evidence or compensating for it?. In Sahlin, N.-E. (Ed.) VBE series, Vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet = Science and proven experience (pp. 99-108), 11. VBE.
- Gärdenfors, P. (2019). Convexity is an empirical law in the theory of conceptual spaces : Reply to Hernández-Conde. In Kaipainen, M., Hautamäki, A., Zenker, F. & Gärdenfors, P. (Eds.) Synthese Library : Studies in Epistemology, Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science, Conceptual Spaces : Elaborations and Applications, 405. Springer.
- Wallin, A. (2019). Två roller för beprövad erfarenhet inom hälso- och sjukvård. In Sahlin, N.-E. (Ed.) Vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet : Vård (pp. 31-40). Lunds universitet, VBE programmet.
- Gärdenfors, P. (2018). Att undervisa för förståelse. In Selander, S. & Insulander, E. (Eds.) Att bli lärare. Liber.
- Gärdenfors, P. (2018). Pantomime als Grundlage für Ritual und Sprache. In Stuhlesser, M., Geldhof, J. & Teuer, A. (Eds.) Theologie der Liturgie, "Ein Symbol dessen, was wir sind" : Liturgische Perspektiven zur Frage der Sakramentalität (pp. 50-67). Verlag Friedrich Pustet.
- Gärdenfors, P. (2018). Using conceptual spaces to explain how word meanings are learned. In Brozek, B., Kwiatek, L. & Stelmach, J. (Eds.) Explaining the mind. Copernicus Center Press.
- Persson, T. (2018). Animal cognition : Explaining cognitive evolution by way of experimental psychology – At all possible?. In Brozek, B., Kwiatek, L. & Stelmach, J. (Eds.) Explaining the Mind. Copernicus Center Press.
- Reber, S. A. (2018). Crocodilia Communication. In Vonk, J. & Shackelford, T. K. (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior. Springer Nature.
- Wallin, A. (2018). Science, proven experience and good sense. Science and Proven Experience: Johannes, 115-121. Lunds universitet, VBE programmet.
- Balkenius, C. (2017). Nästan levande: robotar och androider. In Abbott, J. & Persson, E. (Eds.) Pufendorfinstitutets skriftserie, Liv : Utomjordiskt syntetiskt och artificiellt (pp. 151-160). Pufendorfinstitutet, Lunds universitet.
- Gärdenfors, P. (2017). Concept learning and nonmonotonic reasoning. In Cohen, H. & Lefebvre, C. (Eds.) Handbook of Categorization in Cognitive Science (pp. 977-999). Elsevier.
- Gärdenfors, P. (2017). Semantic Knowledge, Domains of Meaning and Conceptual Spaces. In Meusburger, P., Werlen, B. & Suarsana, L. (Eds.) Knowledge and Space, Knowledge and Action (pp. 203-219), 9. Springer International Publishing.
- Brinck, I., Balkenius, C. & Johansson, B. (2016). Making Place for Social Norms in the Design of Human-Robot Interaction. In Seibt, J., Nørskov, M. & Schack Andersen, S. (Eds.) Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, What Social Robots Can and Should Do : Proceedings of RoboPhilosophy 2016/TRANSOR 2016 (pp. 303-312), 290. IOS Press.
- Genot, E. & Gulz, A. (2016). The interrogative model of inquiry and inquiry learning. In Can, B. (Ed.) Perspectives on Interrogative Models of Inquiry: Developments in Inquiry and Questions (pp. 15-33). Springer.
- Holsanova, J. (2016). Cognitive approach to audio description. In Matamala, A. & Orero, P. (Eds.) Palgrave Studies in Translating and Interpreting, Researching audio description : New approaches (pp. 49-73). Palgrave Macmillan.
- Holsanova, J. (2016). Kognitiva och kommunikativa aspekter av syntolkning. In Holsanova, J., Wadensjö, C. & Andrén, M. (Eds.) Lund University Cognitive Studies, Syntolkning : forskning och praktik (pp. 17-27), 166. Lund University Cognitive Studies.
- Holsanova, J. & Wadensjö, C. (2016). Syntolkning : forskning, tankar och visioner. In Holsanova, J., Wadensjö, C. & Andrén, M. (Eds.) Lund University Cognitive Studies, Syntolkning : forskning och praktik (pp. 13-15), 166. Lund University Cognitive Studies.