Book chapters (page 3 of 7)
- Gärdenfors, P. (2012). Vad skiljer människans sätt att tänka från de andra djurens?. In Allwood, J. & Jensen, M. (Eds.) Kognitionsvetenskap (pp. 311-323). Studentlitteratur AB.
- Gärdenfors, P., Brinck, I. & Osvath, M. (2012). The tripod effect : Evolutionary perspectives on cooperation, cognition and communication. In Stjernfeldt, F., Deacon, T. & Schilhab, T. (Eds.) Biosemiotics, New perspectives on the symbolic species (pp. 193-224), 6. Springer.
- Johansson, P., Hall, L. & Chater, N. (2012). Preference change through choice. In Dolan, R. & Sharot, T. (Eds.) Neuroscience of Preference and Choice (pp. 121-141). Elsevier.
- Persson, T. & Lindblom, J. (2012). Djurkognition. In Allwood, J. & Jensen, M. (Eds.) Kognitionsvetenskap (pp. 325-336). Studentlitteratur AB.
- Wallin, A. (2012). Bedömningar. In Jens, A. & Mikael, J. (Eds.) Kognitionsvetenskap (pp. 263-271). Studentlitteratur AB.
- Gil, D. & Johnsson, M. (2011). Chapter 5 - Support vector machines in medical classification tasks. In Boyle, B. (Ed.) Support Vector Machines: Data Analysis, Machine Learning and Applications (pp. 81-102). Nova Science Publishers, Inc..
- Gärdenfors, P. (2011). Förståelsens betydelse för lärandet. In Jensen, M. (Ed.) Lärandets grunder – teorier och perspektiv. Studentlitteratur AB.
- Gärdenfors, P. (2011). Människans förnuft är överskattat. In Hammarström, M., Gerle, E. & Gärdenfors, P. (Eds.) Människan sedd. Bokförlaget Nya Doxa.
- Gärdenfors, P. & Zenker, F. (2011). Using Conceptual Spaces to Model the Dynamics of Empirical Theories. In Erik J., O. & Sebastian, E. (Eds.) Belief Revision meets Philosophy of Science (pp. 137-153), Logic, Epistemology, and the Unity of Science Vol. 21. Springer.
- Holsanova, J. (2011). How we focus attention in picture viewing, picture description, and during mental imagery. In Sachs-Hombach, K. & Totzke, R. (Eds.) Bilder - sehen - denken : zum Verhältnis von begrifflich-philosophischen und empirisch-psychologischen Ansätzen in der bildwissenschaftlichen Forschung (pp. 291-313). von Halem.
- Jacobs, I. (2011). Sisyphus en de regenworm : cognitie, emotie, ervaring en bewustzijn van dieren. In Nuijten, R. & Mol, C. (Eds.) Biologie in de 21ste eeuw. de Graaff.
- Jacobs, I. & Daggers, T. (2011). Hoe een Boeing uit een vuilnisbelt ontstaat : de conflicten en overeenkomsten tussen biologie en religie. In Nuijten, R. & Mol, C. (Eds.) Biologie in de 21ste eeuw. de Graaff.
- Johnsson, M. & Gil, D. (2011). Internal Simulation of Perceptions and Actions. From Brains to Systems: Brain-Inspired Cognitive Systems 2010, 718, 87-100. Springer.
- Johnsson, M., Balkenius, C. & Hesslow, G. (2011). Multimodal System Based on Self-Organizing Maps. In Madani et al, K. (Ed.) Studies in Computational Intelligence, 343 (pp. 251-263), 343. Springer.
- Johnsson, M., Martinsson, M., Gil, D. & Hesslow, G. (2011). Associative Self-Organizing Map. In Mwasiagi, J. (Ed.) Self Organising Maps - Applications and Novel Algorithm Design (pp. 603-626). IntechOpen.
- Gulz, A. & Haake, M. (2010). Challenging Gender Stereotypes using Virtual Pedagocical Characters. In Goodman, S., Booth, S. & Kirkup, G. (Eds.) Gender Issues in Learning and Working with Information Technology: Social Constructs and Cultural Contexts. IGI Global.
- Gulz, A., Haake, M., Silvervarg, A., Sjödén, B. & Veletsianos, G. (2010). Building a Social Conversational Pedagogical Agent - Design Challenges and Methodological Approaches. In Perez-Marin, D. & Pascual-Nieto, I. (Eds.) Conversational Agents and Natural Language Interaction: Techniques and Effective Practices. IGI Global.
- Gärdenfors, P. (2010). Evolution and semantics. In Hogan, P. C. (Ed.) Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Language Sciences (pp. 748-750). Cambridge University Press.
- Gärdenfors, P. (2010). Kognition. In Wahlund, L. -O., Nilsson, C. & Wallin, A. (Eds.) Kognitiv medicin. Norstedts Förlag.
- Gärdenfors, P. (2010). The evolution of semantics: Sharing conceptual domains. In Botha, R., Everaert, M. & Hurford, J. (Eds.) The Evolutionary Emergence of Language: Evidence and Inference. Oxford University Press.
- Gärdenfors, P. (2010). The role of understanding in human nature. In Evers, D., Jackelén, A. & Smeds, T. A. (Eds.) How do we know? Understanding in Science and Theology (pp. 3-22). T&T Clark.
- Gärdenfors, P. (2010). What are the benefits of broad horizons?. In Joas, H. & Klein, B. (Eds.) The Benefit of Broad Horizons: Intellectual and Institutional Preconditions for a Global Social Science. Brill.
- Gärdenfors, P. & Osvath, M. (2010). Prospection as a cognitive precursor to symbolic communication. In Larson, R. (Ed.) Evolution of Language: Biolinguistic Approaches (pp. 103-114). Cambridge University Press.
- Holsanova, J. & Nord, A. (2010). Multimodal design : Media structures, media principles and users’ meaning-making in printed and digital media. In Bucher, H.-J., Gloning, T. & Lehnen, K. (Eds.) Neue Medie - neue Formate : Ausdifferenzierung und Konvergenz in der Medienkommunikation (pp. 81-103). Campus Verlag.
- Holsanova, J. & Nord, A. (2010). Textens fragmentering och läsares meningsskapande. In Byrman, G., Gustafsson, A. & Rahm, H. (Eds.) Svensson och svenskan. Med sinnen känsliga för språk (pp. 110-123). Lund: Författarna.