Articles (page 17 of 21)
- Antfolk, C., Balkenius, C., Lundborg, G., Rosén, B. & Sebelius, F. (2010). Design and technical construction of a tactile display for sensory feedback in a hand prosthesis system. BioMedical Engineering Online, 9. BioMed Central (BMC).
- Antfolk, C., Balkenius, C., Rosén, B., Lundborg, G. & Sebelius, F. (2010). SmartHand tactile display: A new concept for providing sensory feedback in hand prostheses. Scandinavian Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and Hand Surgery, 44, 50-53. Taylor & Francis.
- Balkenius, A. & Balkenius, C. (2010). Behaviour towards an unpreferred colour: can green flowers attract foraging hawkmoths?. Journal of Experimental Biology, 213, 3257-3262. The Company of Biologists Ltd.
- Balkenius, C., Jan, M., Johansson, B. & Johnsson, M. (2010). Ikaros: Building Cognitive Models for Robots. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 24, 40-48. Elsevier.
- Gil, D. & Johnsson, M. (2010). Using Support Vector Machines in Diagnoses of Urological Dysfunctions. Expert Systems with Applications, 37, 4713-4718. Elsevier.
- Gulz, A., Lindström, P., Sjödén, B., Pareto, L. & Haake, M. (2010). Evaluating a Teaching and Learning Game. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Gärdenfors, P. (2010). The role of indirect reciprocity and theory of mind in interpreting ornaments : commentary on C. S. Henshilwood and B. Dubreuil: “The Still Bay and Howiesons Poort, 77-59 ka". Current Anthropology, 51, 383-384. University of Chicago Press.
- Hall, L., Johansson, P., Tärning, B., Sikström, S. & Deutgen, T. (2010). Magic at the marketplace: Choice blindness for the taste of jam and the smell of tea. Cognition, 117, 54-61. Elsevier.
- Holsanova, J., Andersson, R., Johansson, R., Holmqvist, K. & Strömqvist, S. (2010). Lund Eye Tracking Studies in Research on Language and Cognition. Slovo a Slovesnost, 71, 317-328. Ústav pro jazyk český Akademie věd České republiky.
- Johnsson, M. & Balkenius, C. (2010). Haptic Perception with Self-Organizing ANNs and an Anthropomorphic Robot Hand. Journal of Robotics. Hindawi Limited.
- Osvath, M. (2010). Great ape foresight is looking great. Animal Cognition, 13, 777-781. Springer.
- Osvath, M., Raby, C. R. & Clayton, N. S. (2010). What should be compared in comparative mental time travel?. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 14, 51-52. Elsevier.
- Parthemore, J. & Morse, A. F. (2010). Representations reclaimed: Accounting for the co-emergence of concepts and experience. Pragmatics & Cognition, 18, 273-312. John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Sahlin, N.-E., Wallin, A. & Persson, J. (2010). Decision Science : From Ramsey to Dual Process Theories. Synthese, 172, 129-143. Springer.
- Balkenius, C., Morén, J. & Winberg, S. (2009). Interactions between Motivation, Emotion and Attention: From Biology to Robotics. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Epigenetic Robotics.. Lund Univeristy Cognitive Studies.
- Cipriani, C., Antfolk, C., Balkenius, C., Rosén, B., Lundborg, G., Carozza, M. C. & Sebelius, F. (2009). A novel concept for a prosthetic hand with bidirectional non-invasive interface: a feasibility study. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 56, 2739-2743. IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
- Gil, D. & Johnsson, M. (2009). Diagnosing Parkinson by using artificial neural networks and support vector machines. Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 9, 63-71. Global Journals.
- Gil, D., Johnsson, M., Chamizo, J. M. G., Paya, A. S. & Fernandez, D. R. (2009). Application of artificial neural networks in the diagnosis of urological dysfunctions. Expert Systems with Applications, 36, 5754-5760. Elsevier.
- Gulz, A. & Haake, M. (2009). Benefits of Digital Pedagogical Characters - A Learning Style Perspective. The Open Education Journal, 2, 34-41. Bentham Open.
- Haake, M. & Gulz, A. (2009). A Look at the Roles of Look & Roles in Embodied Pedagogical Agents - A User Preference Perspective. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 19. International AIED Society.
- Hall, L. & Johansson, P. (2009). The reason I chose that one is ... New Scientist, 202, 26-27. Reed Business Information Ltd.
- Hamade, R. F., Jaber, M. Y. & Sikström, S. (2009). Analyzing CAD competence with univariate and multivariate learning curve models. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 56, 1510-1518. Elsevier.
- Holsanova, J., Holmqvist, K. & Holmberg, N. (2009). Reading information graphics: The Role of Spatial Proximity and Dual Attentional Guidance. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 23, 1215-1226. John Wiley & Sons Inc..
- Johnsson, M. & Balkenius, C. (2009). Experiments with Self-Organizing Systems for Texture and Hardness Perception. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 4, 53-62. Elsevier.
- Osvath, M. (2009). Spontaneous planning for future stone throwing by a male chimpanzee. Current Biology, 19, 190-191. Elsevier.